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[<][<=][=>]Pandoc User's Guide

    Using pandoc
    Specifying formats
    Character encoding
    Creating a PDF
    Reading from the Web
    General options
    Reader options
    General writer options
    Options affecting specific writers
    Citation rendering
    Math rendering in HTML
    Options for wrapper scripts
    Metadata variables
    Language variables
    Variables for HTML slides
    Variables for Beamer slides
    Variables for LaTeX
        Front matter
        BibLaTeX Bibliographies
    Variables for ConTeXt
    Variables for wkhtmltopdf
    Variables for man pages
    Variables for ms
    Structural variables
    Using variables in templates
            Extension: smart
    Headings and sections
            Extension: auto_identifiers
            Extension: ascii_identifiers
            Extension: gfm_auto_identifiers
    Math Input
    Raw HTML/TeX
            Extension: raw_html
            Extension: raw_tex
            Extension: native_divs
            Extension: native_spans
    Literate Haskell support
            Extension: literate_haskell
    Other extensions
            Extension: empty_paragraphs
            Extension: styles
            Extension: amuse
            Extension: citations
            Extension: ntb
Pandoc's Markdown
            Extension: escaped_line_breaks
        Setext-style headings
        ATX-style headings
            Extension: blank_before_header
            Extension: space_in_atx_header
        Heading identifiers
            Extension: header_attributes
            Extension: implicit_header_references
    Block quotations
            Extension: blank_before_blockquote
    Verbatim (code) blocks
        Indented code blocks
        Fenced code blocks
            Extension: fenced_code_blocks
            Extension: backtick_code_blocks
            Extension: fenced_code_attributes
    Line blocks
            Extension: line_blocks
        Bullet lists
        Block content in list items
        Ordered lists
            Extension: fancy_lists
            Extension: startnum
            Extension: task_lists
        Definition lists
            Extension: definition_lists
        Numbered example lists
            Extension: example_lists
        Compact and loose lists
        Ending a list
    Horizontal rules
            Extension: table_captions
            Extension: simple_tables
            Extension: multiline_tables
            Extension: grid_tables
                Grid Table Limitations
            Extension: pipe_tables
    Metadata blocks
            Extension: pandoc_title_block
            Extension: yaml_metadata_block
    Backslash escapes
            Extension: all_symbols_escapable
    Inline formatting
            Extension: intraword_underscores
            Extension: strikeout
        Superscripts and subscripts
            Extension: superscript, subscript
            Extension: inline_code_attributes
        Small caps
            Extension: tex_math_dollars
    Raw HTML
            Extension: raw_html
            Extension: markdown_in_html_blocks
            Extension: native_divs
            Extension: native_spans
            Extension: raw_tex
        Generic raw attribute
            Extension: raw_attribute
    LaTeX macros
            Extension: latex_macros
        Automatic links
        Inline links
        Reference links
            Extension: shortcut_reference_links
        Internal links
            Extension: implicit_figures
            Extension: link_attributes
    Divs and Spans
            Extension: fenced_divs
            Extension: bracketed_spans
            Extension: footnotes
            Extension: inline_notes
            Extension: citations
    Non-pandoc extensions
            Extension: old_dashes
            Extension: angle_brackets_escapable
            Extension: lists_without_preceding_blankline
            Extension: four_space_rule
            Extension: spaced_reference_links
            Extension: hard_line_breaks
            Extension: ignore_line_breaks
            Extension: east_asian_line_breaks
            Extension: emoji
            Extension: tex_math_single_backslash
            Extension: tex_math_double_backslash
            Extension: markdown_attribute
            Extension: mmd_title_block
            Extension: abbreviations
            Extension: autolink_bare_uris
            Extension: mmd_link_attributes
            Extension: mmd_header_identifiers
            Extension: compact_definition_lists
    Markdown variants
Producing slide shows with pandoc
    Structuring the slide show
    Incremental lists
    Inserting pauses
    Styling the slides
    Speaker notes
    Frame attributes in beamer
    Background in reveal.js and beamer
Creating EPUBs with pandoc
    EPUB Metadata
    The epub:type attribute
    Linked media
Creating Jupyter notebooks with pandoc
Syntax highlighting
Custom Styles
Custom writers
A note on security


W adorno

Producing slide shows with pandoc

You can use pandoc to produce an HTML + JavaScript slide presentation that can be viewed via a web browser. There are five ways to do this, using S5, DZSlides, Slidy, Slideous, or reveal.js. You can also produce a PDF slide show using LaTeX beamer, or slides shows in Microsoft PowerPoint format.

Here's the Markdown source for a simple slide show, habits.txt:

% Habits
% John Doe
% March 22, 2005

# In the morning

## Getting up

- Turn off alarm
- Get out of bed

## Breakfast

- Eat eggs
- Drink coffee

# In the evening

## Dinner

- Eat spaghetti
- Drink wine


![picture of spaghetti](images/spaghetti.jpg)

## Going to sleep

- Get in bed
- Count sheep

To produce an HTML/JavaScript slide show, simply type

pandoc -t FORMAT -s habits.txt -o habits.html

where FORMAT is either s5, slidy, slideous, dzslides, or revealjs.

For Slidy, Slideous, reveal.js, and S5, the file produced by pandoc with the -s/--standalone option embeds a link to JavaScript and CSS files, which are assumed to be available at the relative path s5/default (for S5), slideous (for Slideous), reveal.js (for reveal.js), or at the Slidy website at w3.org (for Slidy). (These paths can be changed by setting the slidy-url, slideous-url, revealjs-url, or s5-url variables; see Variables for HTML slides, above.) For DZSlides, the (relatively short) JavaScript and CSS are included in the file by default.

With all HTML slide formats, the --self-contained option can be used to produce a single file that contains all of the data necessary to display the slide show, including linked scripts, stylesheets, images, and videos.

To produce a PDF slide show using beamer, type

pandoc -t beamer habits.txt -o habits.pdf

Note that a reveal.js slide show can also be converted to a PDF by printing it to a file from the browser.

To produce a Powerpoint slide show, type

pandoc habits.txt -o habits.pptx

Structuring the slide show

By default, the slide level is the highest heading level in the hierarchy that is followed immediately by content, and not another heading, somewhere in the document. In the example above, level-1 headings are always followed by level-2 headings, which are followed by content, so the slide level is 2. This default can be overridden using the --slide-level option.

The document is carved up into slides according to the following rules:

  • A horizontal rule always starts a new slide.

  • A heading at the slide level always starts a new slide.

  • Headings below the slide level in the hierarchy create headings within a slide.

  • Headings above the slide level in the hierarchy create "title slides," which just contain the section title and help to break the slide show into sections. Non-slide content under these headings will be included on the title slide (for HTML slide shows) or in a subsequent slide with the same title (for beamer).

  • A title page is constructed automatically from the document's title block, if present. (In the case of beamer, this can be disabled by commenting out some lines in the default template.)

These rules are designed to support many different styles of slide show. If you don't care about structuring your slides into sections and subsections, you can just use level-1 headings for all each slide. (In that case, level-1 will be the slide level.) But you can also structure the slide show into sections, as in the example above.

Note: in reveal.js slide shows, if slide level is 2, a two-dimensional layout will be produced, with level-1 headings building horizontally and level-2 headings building vertically. It is not recommended that you use deeper nesting of section levels with reveal.js.

Incremental lists

By default, these writers produce lists that display "all at once." If you want your lists to display incrementally (one item at a time), use the -i option. If you want a particular list to depart from the default, put it in a div block with class incremental or nonincremental. So, for example, using the fenced div syntax, the following would be incremental regardless of the document default:

::: incremental

- Eat spaghetti
- Drink wine



::: nonincremental

- Eat spaghetti
- Drink wine


While using incremental and nonincremental divs are the recommended method of setting incremental lists on a per-case basis, an older method is also supported: putting lists inside a blockquote will depart from the document default (that is, it will display incrementally without the -i option and all at once with the -i option):

> - Eat spaghetti
> - Drink wine

Both methods allow incremental and nonincremental lists to be mixed in a single document.

Inserting pauses

You can add "pauses" within a slide by including a paragraph containing three dots, separated by spaces:

# Slide with a pause

content before the pause

. . .

content after the pause

Styling the slides

You can change the style of HTML slides by putting customized CSS files in $DATADIR/s5/default (for S5), $DATADIR/slidy (for Slidy), or $DATADIR/slideous (for Slideous), where $DATADIR is the user data directory (see --data-dir, above). The originals may be found in pandoc's system data directory (generally $CABALDIR/pandoc-VERSION/s5/default). Pandoc will look there for any files it does not find in the user data directory.

For dzslides, the CSS is included in the HTML file itself, and may be modified there.

All reveal.js configuration options can be set through variables. For example, themes can be used by setting the theme variable:

-V theme=moon

Or you can specify a custom stylesheet using the --css option.

To style beamer slides, you can specify a theme, colortheme, fonttheme, innertheme, and outertheme, using the -V option:

pandoc -t beamer habits.txt -V theme:Warsaw -o habits.pdf

Note that heading attributes will turn into slide attributes (on a <div> or <section>) in HTML slide formats, allowing you to style individual slides. In beamer, the only heading attribute that affects slides is the allowframebreaks class, which sets the allowframebreaks option, causing multiple slides to be created if the content overfills the frame. This is recommended especially for bibliographies:

# References {.allowframebreaks}

Speaker notes

Speaker notes are supported in reveal.js and PowerPoint (pptx) output. You can add notes to your Markdown document thus:

::: notes

This is my note.

- It can contain Markdown
- like this list


To show the notes window in reveal.js, press s while viewing the presentation. Speaker notes in PowerPoint will be available, as usual, in handouts and presenter view.

Notes are not yet supported for other slide formats, but the notes will not appear on the slides themselves.


To put material in side by side columns, you can use a native div container with class columns, containing two or more div containers with class column and a width attribute:

:::::::::::::: {.columns}
::: {.column width="40%"}
::: {.column width="60%"}

Frame attributes in beamer

Sometimes it is necessary to add the LaTeX [fragile] option to a frame in beamer (for example, when using the minted environment). This can be forced by adding the fragile class to the heading introducing the slide:

# Fragile slide {.fragile}

All of the other frame attributes described in Section 8.1 of the Beamer User's Guide may also be used: allowdisplaybreaks, allowframebreaks, b, c, t, environment, label, plain, shrink, standout, noframenumbering.

Background in reveal.js and beamer

Background images can be added to self-contained reveal.js slideshows and to beamer slideshows.

For the same image on every slide, use the configuration option background-image either in the YAML metadata block or as a command-line variable. (There are no other options in beamer and the rest of this section concerns reveal.js slideshows.)

For reveal.js, you can instead use the reveal.js-native option parallaxBackgroundImage. You can also set parallaxBackgroundHorizontal and parallaxBackgroundVertical the same way and must also set parallaxBackgroundSize to have your values take effect.

To set an image for a particular reveal.js slide, add {data-background-image="/path/to/image"} to the first slide-level heading on the slide (which may even be empty).

In reveal.js's overview mode, the parallaxBackgroundImage will show up only on the first slide.

Other reveal.js background settings also work on individual slides, including data-background-size, data-background-repeat, data-background-color, data-transition, and data-transition-speed.

See the reveal.js documentation for more details.

For example in reveal.js:

title: My Slideshow
parallaxBackgroundImage: /path/to/my/background_image.png

## Slide One

Slide 1 has background_image.png as its background.

## {data-background-image="/path/to/special_image.jpg"}

Slide 2 has a special image for its background, even though the heading has no content.

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